ANNOUNCEMENT: Important Changes to the Direction and Format of Three and Above

Three & Above Movie Reviews

     I originally started my blog, Three and Above, with the principle of only reviewing good movies; there's enough bad things in the world, I thought, so why not focus on some of the good? Well, we all make mistakes.
      Although I'll still review some good movies, I've decided to return to the full spectrum of cinematic critique. If a chef makes a rotten dinner, you tell the chef, or you'll run the risk of getting another bad meal. If a painter does your interior poorly, you'll tell him, so he doesn't do the exterior in the same way. If a doctor does a dodgy surgery, you'll tell the doctor, or you'll walk around with your foot on backwards for the rest of your life. My point is this; you can't walk around in life only focusing on the good. Sometimes you have to confront the bad, call it out, and hope that your honesty might actually help to turn the social current towards positive change. Plus, sometimes tearing a god-awful movie apart is so damn satisfying. I'll keep my original name for the time being, but expect to see more changes, and a possible rebranding in the future. From now on, anything is fair game. Hollywood, watch out; the honeymoon is over.

- Grant Kanigan


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