Fruitvale Station

Fruitvale Station (2013) A Review by Grant Kanigan Directed by: Ryan Coogler Written by: Ryan Coogler Starring: Michael B. Jordan, Melonie Diaz, Octavia Spencer, Kevin Durand Rating: 14A Release Date: July 26th, 2013 Michael B. Jordan in Fruitvale Station © 2013 - The Weinstein Company. All Rights Reserved. The story of Oscar Grant is becoming all too commonplace in the United States; Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown and 12 year old Tamir Rice have all been killed by security guards or police officers. Nearly all of the shooters were white. It could be coincidence, but statistics like the following show us that the judicial system in the United States is racially biased. The documentary The House I Live In states , "e ven though White and Black people use drugs at approximately equal rates, Black people are 10.1 times more likely to be sent to prison for ...