The Little Hours

The Little Hours (2017) Directed by : Jeff Baena Written by : Jeff Baena Starring : Alison Brie, Dave Franco, Aubrey Plaza, Kate Micucci, & John C. Reilly Rating : 14A Release Date : June 30, 2017 Kate Micucci, Alison Brie & Aubrey Plaza are up to no good in The Little Hours Image Source Classic literature has often served as a jumping board for creative ideas, especially when it comes to the cinema. The Lion King was a beautifully imagined retelling of Shakespeare's 1600's text Hamlet , the wonderfully original a Knight's Tale was based on one of the tales within Geoffrey Chaucer's Canterbury Tales , ( published in the 1300's), Beowulf , the acid-trip adult themed digital splatterfest, was originally written around a millennium ago. Some might even say the Matrix could be an interesting interpretation of Plato's Allegory of the Cave . It's no surprise, then, that writer/director Jeff Baena's vision of Giovanni Boccac...