Jagten (The Hunt)

Jagten (The Hunt) (2013) A Review by Grant Kanigan Directed by: Thomas Vinterberg Written By: Tobias Lindholm & Thomas Vinterberg Starring: Mads Mikkelsen, Thomas Bo Larsen Annika Wedderkopp Rating: R Release Date: July 19th 2013 Mads Mikkelsen in The Hunt To North American audiences, Mads Mikkelsen is best known for his roles in which he plays brutal, calculating killers. Mikkelsen has played everyone from the calculating, cold hearted genius Le Chiffre in Casino Royale , the brute mute One Eye in Valhalla , and most recently, Dr. Hannibal Lecter in the television series of the same name. Yet, in The Hunt , in his native tongue, (Danish), Mikkelsen plays the exact opposite; a kind, gentle, subdued and intelligent man, looking to merely keep those around him happy. It's the world that surrounds him in The Hunt that is evil. The Hunt follows...