
Whiplash (2014) A Review by Grant Kanigan Directed by: Damien Chazelle Written by: Damien Chazelle Starring: Miles Teller, J.K. Simmons, Paul Reiser, Melissa Benoist Rating: 14A Release Date: October 24th 2014 Miles Teller and J.K. Simmons find the right tempo in Whiplash © Courtesy of Sundance Institute "Don't you think that by pushing people so hard they might get discouraged, and in turn the next Charlie Parker might never be discovered?" Andrew, (Miles Teller), asks his devilish teacher, Mr. Fletcher, (J.K. Simmons). "If they get discouraged, then they're not the next Charlie Parker," is his reply, bookending his comment with his largest blow; "there are no two words in the English language more harmful than 'good job.'" This is the most important scene in the film, and the thesis for it's commentary; through the actions, failures and successes of the teacher and st...