Killing Gunther

Killing Gunther (2017) Directed by : Taran Killam Written by : Taran Killam Starring : Taran Killam, Bobby Moynihan, Cobie Smulders & Arnold Schwarzenegger Rating : 14A Release Date : October 20, 2017 Schwarzenegger & Killam debate gun control in Killing Gunthe r Image Source It's an odd time to be a filmmaker. With superheroes clogging up the screens at the theatres, it's rare to find something that's not related to some otherworldly heroes that effortlessly save the world time and time again, without a scratch. Of course, there's always exceptions to the rule; It was a welcome change, featuring a broad arcing story and R-rated dialogue, and Wonder Woman was a pro-feminist stab in the heart to the idiotic Marvel and DC films of late. Still, gone are the days where a goofy, avant-garde comedy, an experimental film, or a post-modern dissection of a certain cinematic subject could be seen on a big screen. But there's still hope;...