
Macbeth (2015) A Review by Grant Kanigan Directed by : Justin Kurzel Written by : J acob Koskoff, Michael Lesslie & Todd Louiso, based on William Shakespeare's play Macbeth Starring: Michael Fassbender, Marion Cotillard, David Thewlis, Sean Harris & Jack Reynor Rating: 14A Release Date: December 11th, 2015 (Limited) Michael Fassbender, awash in the blood of war in Macbeth Image Source There's a reason Shakespeare has been around for over four hundred years, and is still relevant. Philosophy, morals, humour and tragedy are explored brilliantly and uniquely in each one of his plays. His comedies explore social conventions, mores, and challenged hegemonic thinking in a way that wasn't offensive to the powers that be, but was poignant enough to be relevant. From obscure references to Greek tragedies to scatological humour, there's a bit of everything in Shakespearean comedy. Like it or not, Much Ado Ab...